Andy, Mike T, Robin, Kate, Alasdair & myself (Stuart).  

We met on a damp Sunday morning at Inglesport for breakfast.  We discussed the weather but decided that Gavel Pot would be worth doing, but decided against doing an exchange with Short Drop due to the possibility of the crawls becoming impassable

After consolidating the vehicles in Cowan Bridge and headed up to Leck fell in 2 vehicles

Robin & Mike headed off first to start the rigging, and Andy, Alasdair, Kate & I followed a few minutes later

Group shot at the first pitch of Gavel Pot

Alasdair & Kate on their 2nd SRT trip did well getting down the first pitch, considering how slippery things were.  Is it 'caving' if you can still see the sky?  At the 2nd pitch head we still hadn't turned headtorches on!

Mike & Robin rigged the first 3 pitches, and I took over at the 4th pitch, with Andy doing the final pitch

With Kate & Alasdair making the sensible decision not to come down the 4th pitch due to their current experience level, they went off to explore Glasfurd’s Chamber.  Mike, Andy and I ascended from the bottom and de-rigged, meeting the other explorers as they were coming back out of the tunnel from Glasfurds

Group shot by the passage to Glasfurd's Chamber

Robin, Kate & Alasdair made their way out, while Mike, Andy and I went to look at Glasfurd's Chamber.  It didn't disappoint!

We turned around and re-traced our steps, meeting up with Robin (waiting at the bottom of the 2nd pitch) checking out a shrine to fallen sheep

Once at the base of the open pot, Mike and I paused for one last picture

We got back to the vehicles and got changed quickly.  There was cake to be had thanks to Kate, but that was back in a car in Cowan Bridge!
