This trip was an open meet, with Ian, Andy, Robin and myself (Stuart) deciding on P8 near Castleton in Derbyshire. Breakfast was at Cafe Adventure in Hope where we left 2 vehicles due to the limited parking space
Ian headed underground first around 10:30, followed by me, then Andy and Robin
At idiots leap Ian had already gone down but shputed up asking for it to be rigged to assist the return trip. I was carrying in the kit bag so got to it
At the true first pitch I rigged round the corner then, to save time, went straight down rather than traversing round as there wasn’t much water to avoid
The second pitch came soon after which i found entertaining watching Ian, Andy & Robin getting off the pitch as a small swing out to the ledge was needed!

Ian, Andy and Robin on/off the second pitch
We regrouped and then headed off to the sump

Navigating a short, but deep section of water on the way to the sump
Soon we saw a pair of flippers and the dive line, a sure sign of a sump near by and sure enough we’d reach it

The 4 of us at P8 sump
Turning back to the second pitch, we saw other cavers in the high level passage, (somewhere I’ve never been so more to explore) and had a brief explore along a passage before heading out

In a tight passage between the sump and the second pitch
Andy de-rigged and we found Ian and Robin waiting for us just before the entrance

Robin getting a soaking leaving P8
Once out we we walked back to the cars, changed, and went back to Hope for a brew and cake before heading home